First Endurance Optygen New Formula Supplement (90 Capsules)

Price: $59.95
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Optygen is unlike any other endurance product available. Optygen is a legal, safe and stimulant-free formula designed specifically to optimize performance for endurance athletes. This revolutionary formula is based on human clinical trials and the latest scientific research on increasing endurance. This new and improved Optygen formula now contains Rhodiola that’s 40% stonger than the original formula.

The two main adaptogens in Optygen were first used by Tibetan Sherpas to help them climb Mount Everest. Optygen utilizes these unique adaptogens because clinical research (on elite endurance athletes) has shown them to increase oxygen utilization. This increases the body’s ability to adapt to high levels of physical stress, increase anaerobic threshold and reduce lactic acid.

For best results, use Optygen during all intense training. Optygen will allow you to train at a higher level by improving the body’s ability to adapt to physical stress, increasing aerobic threshold and reducing lactic acid. These improvements will help you to race at a higher level. For best results, Optygen should be used consistently for many months. If you start taking Optygen a week before a race, benefits will be minimal.

Q: How long will it take before I start noticing the benefits?
A: You should start experiencing the benefits of OPTYGEN approximately six (6) days after you start taking OPTYGEN.

Q: When should I take OPTYGEN?
A: It is best to take Optygen in the morning with a meal.

Q: How long will a bottle last?
A: OPTYGEN has a 7-day loading phase. Because of this, the first bottle will last 23 days. After the loading phase has been done, each bottle is a 30-day supply.

Q: Is OPTYGEN legal?
A: First Endurance is committed to developing the most advanced endurance supplements on the market. First Endurance has taken additional measures to assure that our products are safe and legal. First Endurance supplements are legal to use in any sporting event.

Some commonalties among these governing bodies include banned substances which fall into one or more of the following categories as listed in Section I A-E of the UCI Prohibited Classes of substance and Prohibited Methods document. A) Stimulants B) Narcotics C) Anabolic agents D) Diuretics and E) Peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues. This document goes on to list banned substances within each of these classes. Regulations also ban 'Compounds chemically or pharmacologically related to the products mentioned'.

OPTYGEN contains NO ingredients, which are explicitly listed under the banned substance list, nor are any of the ingredients related chemically or pharmacologically. Note: USADA, WADA and UCI do not offer any certification or written confirmation.

First Endurance manufactures its formulations to the highest GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards available. In addition we use a proprietary manufacturing method for added safety and assurance. Following the Supplement Facts panel you will notice we list 'NO processing aids' under Other Ingredients. The only ingredients found in Optygen, are those listed in the Supplement Facts Panel.

Part XIV Article 7 of the Anti-doping Examination Regulations contains the following warning: riders must refrain from using any substance, foodstuff or drink of which they do not know the composition. It must be emphasized that the composition indicated on a product is not always complete. The product may contain prohibited substances not listed in the composition.

Q: What is a "Certificate of Analysis" and why is it important?
A: A Certificate of Analysis (C of A) is a document which states every active and inactive substance used to manufacture a product. A C of A also shows that there are no additional ingredients added to the OPTYGEN formulation. In order to assure the safety and efficacy of OPTYGEN, First Endurance provides a C of A with every bottle of Optygen.

Q: Will OPTYGEN help me recover faster?
A: Yes, it will help you recover. Because OPTYGEN will help you adapt during times of maximum stress, it also aids in recovery.

Q: Why are the capsules red?
A: capsules are dark red, not clear, to further reduce UV light degradation ensuring the highest quality, potency, and purity.

Q: Why is the bottle glass instead of plastic?
A: OPTYGEN is packaged in an amber glass bottle. Unlike plastic bottles, amber glass is an impermeable barrier that protects the product from harmful UV light and oxygen degradation.

Q: Why does OPTYGEN have Cordyceps and Rhodiola Rosea?
A: OPTYGEN utilizes two adaptagens that are the primary ingredients in the formulation. Patented Rhodiola Rosea and Cordyceps are both found and cultivated in Tibet. Both these herbs play critical roles in allowing the body to adapt to high levels of physical stress (similar to the stress a body is subject to when climbing Everest). It's these adaptations to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) which led researchers to also test its effects on elite endurance athletes. Both Rhodiola and Cordyceps have been clinically shown to increase VO2Max, lung function, oxygen utilization and anaerobic threshold significantly.

Q: How should I use Optygen?
A: For best results, use Optygen during all intense training. Optygen will allow you to train at a higher level by improving the body's ability to adapt to physical stress, increasing aerobic threshold and reducing lactic acid. THese improvements will help you race at a higher level. For best results, Optygen should be used consistently for many months. If you start taking Optygen a week before a race, benefits will be minimal.

Q: Is it OK to use Optygen everyday even though it has phosphates in the formula?
A: Through its role in 2,3 DPG synthesis, phosphorous may reduce lactate accumulation by enhancing oxygen release to tissues. The clinical research recommends taking 1g of sodium phosphate four times per day for at least three days leading up to a race. Prolonged use at a level of 4g per day may adversely affect calcium absorption. The research clearly indicates that sodium phosphate should be used acutely prior to a race.

Optygen's ATPro matrix is designed to assure Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) production. All the ingredients in the ATPro matrix play critical roles in ATP formation, including Sodium and Potassium Phosphate. The phosphate levels used in Optygen on their own are not enough to elicit an ergogenic response, nor are they enough to affect PH balance or Calcium absorption.

1) Res Q Exerc Sport 1990 Mar;61(1):80-4 Phosphate loading and the effects on VO2max in trained cyclists. Stewart I, McNaughton L, Davies P, Tristram S Centre for Physical Education, Tasmanian State Institute of Technology, Launceston, Australia

2) Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1996;72(3):224-30 The effects of acute phosphate supplementation in subjects of different aerobic fitness levels. Galloway SD, Tremblay MS, Sexsmith JR, Roberts CJ Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, University of New Brunswick, Canada

Q: Are First Endurance products safe from Cross Contamination?
A: Since our primary market is elite endurance athletes we have everything to lose if someone were to test positive and trace it back to our product. Positive tests which have been traced back to supplements are always traced back to a supplement which does not directly market their products to Pro Endurance Athletes. I.E.. The bodybuilding supplements can legally sell androstenedione, DHEA, and precursors. Cross contamination that happens at the manufacturing site is not an issue with these companies. There is a level of tolerance set by the FDA which allows for a certain level of cross contamination. These supplement companies will manufacture an androstene type product, clean the blender and then manufacture an amino acid. The amino acid supplement may contain a small (parts per million) level of androstenedione.

Realize that nothing is absolute. When you purchase any packaged food you have a risk of a contaminated product. Packaged foods, pharmaceutical companies, OTC products and supplements use many of the same ingredient suppliers. IE The cereal you eat in the morning is fortified with vitamins which come from the same supplier of vitamins found in your multivitamin. Some vitamin suppliers also supply pro-hormones. The key is to minimize your risk. First Endurance takes all the available steps to assure there is no cross contamination.

At First Endurance we take all the necessary steps to prevent this.
a) Our manufacturing and packaging facilities do not allow a single banned substance (except caffeine) to enter the facility.

b) First Endurance requires a wet wash between products. FDA approved facilities require a high standard of cleanliness in order to minimize contamination. We take it a step further by requiring the machines, blenders to be cleaned with water.

c) We source ingredients only from manufacturers who DO NOT supply pro-hormones. This eliminates the risk of cross-contamination at the supplier level.

-Due to our level of concern, you can feel safer taking our product then your cereal.

In addition, only FDA approved facilities require Certificate's of Analysis. These C of A's, are audited and reviewed by the FDA during their facility audits. A C of A assures that each of those ingredients have been tested for identity and only those ingredients are used in the product. First Endurance is the only supplement company which offers a C of A.

Q: Do the adaptogen's Rhodiola and Cordyceps in Optygen cause hypertension or cramping?
A: Absolutely not. The First Endurance research staff has done a thorough review of all the peer reviewed clinical studies and confirms that there is no evidence of hypertension or cramping. On the contrary, by definition adaptogen's allow the body to adapt to many physiological functions, including hypertension. In's comprehensive review of the literature Optygen scored a 20 out of 20 on safety, again finding no evidence that this occurs.

A study done by Dr. Andrew Creer (2007 South Dakota State University) showed Optygen reduces cortisol levels (the primary stress hormone) by 26%. Researchers concluded that Optygen is beneficial for trained athletes undergoing high training volumes because it decreases baseline stress and improves training sessions. Cortisol is a catabolic (breakdown) hormone that the body produces when under stress, such as after hours of running. Chronically elevated cortisol levels can prevent an athlete from recovering, increase the risks of overtraining and supress the immune system.

Another study done by Dr. Karlton Larson (2007 Luther College) showed endurance athletes who used Optygen increased the time to lactate threshold by 42%. Results of this study show Optygen is effective in reducing lactic acid production and delaying onset of lactate threshold (the exercise intensity at which lactic acid starts to accumulate in the blood stream), therefore improving endurance.

optygen graphs

How Optygen Works:
Optygen works on three different levels all working synergistically with the goal of increasing endurance. Endurance is defined as your ability to perform work over a period of time where there is oxygen delivered to the muscles. There are three critical components necessary to increase your endurance capacity.

Efficient Oxygen Transfer:
Rhodiola and Cordyceps are the key ingredients in Optygen. Clinical research on elite athletes has shown both these adaptogenic herbs increase oxygen utilization, increase the body’s ability to adapt to high levels of physical stress, increase anaerobic threshold and reduce lactic acid. These herbs are both found and cultivated in Tibet. Clinical studies on Cordyceps have shown it increases endurance. In a 1998 study, Dr. Edmond Burke demonstrated how these two adaptogenic herbs improve the efficiency of oxygen transfer in the cell leading to improvements in oxygen uptake and VO2max.

ATP Production:
Endurance athlete’s VO2max is directly proportional to their ability to efficiently produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Clinical research has shown that endurance athletes diminish their ATP stores in exhaustive exercise, which can lead to a reduction in aerobic metabolism and endurance. Since ATP is the final step in aerobic energy production, it’s critical that the nutrients feeding the ATP cycle are readily available. Calcium pyruvate, sodium phosphate, potassium phosphate, adenosine and d-ribose all play critical roles in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, leading to efficient ATP production. Optygen’s proprietary ATPro™ matrix of five key nutrients is designed to assure ATP production.

Efficient Glucose Metabolism:

The Optygen formula utilizes chromium for its ability to break down fuel. Chromium is an essential trace mineral that aids in glucose metabolism, regulation of insulin levels, and maintenance of healthy blood levels of cholesterol and other lipids. Chromium forms part of a compound in the body known as Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF), which is involved in regulating the actions of insulin in maintaining blood sugar levels and, possibly, in helping to control appetite. It’s critical that any drink, bar or meal consumed prior to a race or exercise gets broken down efficiently in order to maximize your fuel delivery. Insulin spikes or lack of insulin response can cause the nutrients to either be rushed into your bloodstream too quickly or not quickly enough. Chromium regulates this nutrient breakdown so you have equal and sustained nutrient delivery to the working muscles.

Optygen Ingredients

This product was added to our catalog on April 5, 2016